The BasicBoard was originally designed and built around the BasicAtom 40 pin microcontroller but that platform died off so I redesigned the BasicBoard with a PICkit programming header so I could program it with any PIC compiler. The design needs one more iteration to move the LCD over to the right and fix a few layout mistakes but here is a quick picture of this design.
Underneath the LCD, which is removeable, is the 40 pin socket which can accept any 40 pin PIC16F or PIC18F part. I show it here with an old PIC16F877A. The board has a piezo speaker, four switches, eight LEDs, an I2C EEPROM, RS232 level shifter, reset switch, LCD header, ADC pins for 3-pin sensors and 3-pin headers for servo motors. It also has a header for connecting a separate 5v supply for just the servo motors to keep power for the micro and motors separate.
A 5-volt regulator is also built in so you can power it from a 2.1 mm center positive wall adapter.
A 5-volt regulator is also built in so you can power it from a 2.1 mm center positive wall adapter.
BasicBoard Case
Check out my blog post where I describe how I created a clear laser cut box for the BasicBoard using easy to use software.