These Are Links I Recommend
Maximite BBX Computer - My site dedicated to the Maximite Computer by Geoff Graham.
Geoff Graham - Creator of the Maximite Computer and other great projects.
piccircuit - Great source for PICkit 2 Clone programmer
Real Pic Simulator - A low cost simulator for PIC Microcontrollers.
ExpressPCB - Free software for creating circuit boards (you have to buy the boards from them).
Microchip Samples - The place to order free samples of Microchip PICs.
Geoff Graham - Creator of the Maximite Computer and other great projects.
piccircuit - Great source for PICkit 2 Clone programmer
Real Pic Simulator - A low cost simulator for PIC Microcontrollers.
ExpressPCB - Free software for creating circuit boards (you have to buy the boards from them).
Microchip Samples - The place to order free samples of Microchip PICs.